Measure the Carbon and Biodiversity in your woodland
Ireland has a very low level of forestry. It is widely accepted that forestry is uniquely placed as one of the most effective solutions available to Ireland to meet its climate targets.
Green Belt can help you Assess the Carbon sequestered by your Forest. The European Union is developing a platform that will provide more comfort to forest owners. The calculation and valuation of the Carbon captured within your project is a very important metric. As the private forestry estate has matured across Ireland, more and more carbon is captured each year. New planting (afforestation) is the most transparent and straightforward method to significantly capture and store CO2 in the trees, soil and ultimately timber products produced from the forests and woodlands.
IMPACT The impact of investing into Irish Carbon Credits is promoting and encouraging further establishment of Irish forests. At 11% forestry cover, we are far below the European average and all activities that encourage the new planting of woodlands and forests across Ireland is to be embraced. This is a crucial step for Ireland to be engaged in to reach our target forestry cover of 18%.
Establishing a forest now and registering the afforestation project on a verified platform within the first 4 years, will secure longer term payments, extending the forest income beyond the term of the annual premiums, and bridging that gap to clearfell, or your prescribed forestry management technique.
Green Belt can accurately calculate and report on your forests growth, productivity, future revenue streams and Carbon Capturing rates. This is an invaluable tool and is essential for the long term protection of your family's assets. Simply contact us and engage with us with your forest details and we will take care of the rest. It could also be combined with our Group Insurance Scheme.
Compliance Reporting Measuring, Reporting and Verification (biodiversity, Nature MRV) of CO2 captured within your forestry and land is really valuable information. If you are trading as a private forest owner, or reporting from a corporate perspective, accurate and reliable data is critical to the virtue and integrity of your claims. Green Belt provides these professional services.
PERMANENCE Permanence is how durable the carbon benefit from an offset project is. This takes into account the risk of that benefit being reversed earlier than expected, for instance if a wildfire kills trees in a reforestation project before the end of the project's lifetime.,
ADDITIONALITY Additionality means that a project results in emissions reductions or carbon removals in addition to the ‘business as usual’ scenario which would have occurred without the project existing – so the project needed to exist for those emissions to be reduced or removed.,
FIND THE RIGHT TYPE OF PROJECT TO SUPPORT Speak to us today about developing your own offset practices, working across Ireland in local and community based projects. We have numerous, credible and valid options to explore and can work with you to create the 'best fit' for you, your company and your pocket.