Native Tree Area Scheme

The Native Tree Area Scheme (NTA 1 & NTA 2) is a unique and novel approach that allows up to 2 hectares (5 acres) of land to be planted (afforestation) without the requirement to obtain an afforestation licence. As stated in the manual (download below), the objectives of the Schemes are: i). to enable the State to pursue and achieve the transition to a low carbon, climate resilient, biodiversity rich and environmentally sustainable economy; ii). to encourage actions at farm level that promote biodiversity, protect water quality and help combat climate change; iii). to contribute to positive environmental management of Natura 2000 sites and river catchments in the implementation of the Birds Directive, Habitats Directive and Water Framework Directive; iv). to protect and expand existing native forests where possible; and v). to promote and sustain attitudinal change amongst farmers towards forestry.

The specifics around each of the elements - NTA 1 and NTA 2 are based on soil type and conditions. NTA 1 - Creation of Small Native Forests - Annual Premium rate is €2,206 per hectare for 10 years Supports the establishment of new native forests on farmed land thereby contributing to Ireland’s targets in relation to a wide range of environmental priorities particularly climate change and biodiversity.

NTA 2 - Creation of Native Forests for Water Protection - Annual Premium rate is €2,284 per hectare for 10 years Creating new native forests and undisturbed water setbacks that can be used to deliver meaningful ecosystem services that protect and enhance water quality and aquatic ecosystems. The creation of these permanent, semi-natural landscape features alongside aquatic zones will protect and enhance water quality and aquatic habitats into the future. These forests also provide wider biodiversity functions by protecting and expanding existing native forests. Through the creation of these green corridors, existing native forests can be reconnected thereby addressing the negative effects of fragmentation.

Two Native Tree Area Scenarios are used to identify, at pre-application stage, the most appropriate forest type to promote onsite. A Registered Forester appraises the site in terms of its location, soil and main habitats and vegetation, and matches it to one of two scenarios: Scenario 1 - Dry Mineral Soil and Scenario 2 - Wet Mineral Soil.

Get in touch with your Local Forester today to see how you can earn significantly on your land and improve your biodiversity levels.